If you’re on the hunt for a box of delicious, expertly crafted smokes, then look no further than Caldwell Cigars. Featuring grade-A tobacco blends, the Caldwell cigar collection is home to a unique range of premium cigars known for quality construction, deeply satisfying taste and complexity. Here’s all you need to know about these R&R Cigars favorites and how you can purchase Caldwell Cigars.
Caldwell Cigars are legendary boutique cigars from Caldwell Cigar Company. The company is the brainchild of Robert Caldwell, who founded Caldwell Cigars in 2013, officially launching the cigars a year later. Caldwell had already experienced some success in the cigar industry, making a name for himself with a cigar-oriented hospitality service. In addition, he was known as the man behind Wynwood cigars, Caldwell’s first foray into small-batch, boutique cigars.
For his Caldwell Cigar Company, Caldwell set out to craft limited-production premium cigars using only rare, well-aged proprietary tobaccos. The key for Caldwell was to develop blends that not only he would smoke himself yet would stand up to the scrutiny of the industry’s most important critics: everyday cigar aficionados. Right out of the gate, Caldwell cigars proved stunning crowd-pleasers, winning over industry professionals and cigar lovers everywhere.
The Caldwell Cigar Collection features a broad array of boutique treasures, with something for every cigar smoker to enjoy. From easy-going to devilishly bold, you’ll find a Caldwell cigar to match your taste or mood. The premium collection of handmade Caldwell cigars includes:
Made using A-grade tobaccos, Caldwell’s classic Long Live The King delivers a full-bodied experience packed with bold notes of earth, oak, black pepper, and dark chocolate. Rich in character yet smooth and balanced, the Long Live The King or LLTK to the initiated is constructed around a blend of filler leaves from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Peru. Corojo wrapper and binder leaves complete the highly sought-after cigars. The LLTK Mad Mofo ups the ante with a potent collection of Mexican, Indonesian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, and US-grown tobaccos. All of these limited production smokes are often difficult to track down, yet prove most delectably rare finds. LLTK cigars are R&R Cigars specialties favored by connoisseurs looking to purchase Caldwell cigars.
The Eastern Standard features some of Caldwell’s most flavorful creations. The smooth and mellow original Eastern Standard blend features an Ecuadorian Aracon Hybrid wrapper, an Indonesian binder, and select filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. The supple textures of the aged tobaccos coat the palate with tasty delights while never overpowering the senses. The Eastern Standard Sun Grown provides a bolder, fuller-bodied expression thanks to a blend of Dominican, Mexican, and Ecuadorian leaves dressed in a Mexican Habano Sun Grown wrapper.
Another cigar featuring Caldwell’s rare grade-A tobaccos is The King Is Dead. One of Caldwell’s most sought-after and hardest-to-find cigars, the “TKID” series was five years in development and offers one of the industry’s most intriguing Dominican Puros. Each cigar wears a tantalizing Dominican Negrito wrapper which covers select Dominican leaves. The smoke is beautifully balanced with splashes of creamy milk chocolate, earth, cedar, and cinnamon spice flavors, with a richly complex finish. Consider yourself a member of an exclusive club if you can get your hands on these treasures. Luckily, R&R Cigars specializes in these rare delights. So, while others can only dream of the legendary cigars, you’ll be savoring the voluptuous character of Caldwell’s TKID.
The Ecuadorian Habano-wrapped Blind Man’s Bluff proved an instant hit with cigar lovers, becoming one of the brand’s most iconic lines and spawning two variations to complement the original. Select long-fillers from the Dominican Republic and Honduras are at the heart of the Blind Man’s Bluff Habano and the mellower Blind Man’s Bluff Connecticut, which sports an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper leaf. The third Blind Man’s Bluff edition is the Blind Man’s Bluff Nicaragua, a Nicaraguan Puro, which delivers a rich, full-flavored adventure highlighting the best of Nicaraguan tobacco. Each Blind Man’s Bluff expression offers intensely flavorful yet deliciously smooth experiences that continue to rack up the accolades.
The lesser-known Savages cigar range kicks it up a notch with a full-bodied explosion of sweet and spicy notes strung together by ribbons of hearty leather flavors. An oily Ecuadorian Habano wrapper surrounds a secretive blend of aged tobaccos, which Robert Caldwell counts amongst his favorite go-to options. Often overshadowed by other Caldwell cigars, Savages are great options for those searching for a boldly textured guilty pleasure. The cigars are also prime candidates for those looking to put cigars down for extended aging, allowing the tobacco blend to mature and mellow while enhancing the complex taste.
Caldwell Cigars’ Anastasia has been offered in several expressions over the years, with Caldwell partnering with some of the industry’s best cigarmakers, including Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr. and the legendary Tabacalera La Alianza S.A. factory in the Dominican Republic. However, the current Anastasia 2022 “Yellow Band” features the most alluring expression to date. While Caldwell and his current collaborators remain hush-hush about the blend, the smoke is silky smooth, medium-bodied, and satisfying any time of day or night.
The Last Tsar is a take-no-prisoners flavor bomb that doesn’t hide behind the luxuriousness of the tobaccos contained within. The full-bodied adventure features a secret blend of top-grade tobaccos covered by a dark Arapiraca Hybrid wrapper from Ecuador. With every puff of these royally entertaining smokes, you can expect big-boned cedar, pepper, and cocoa flavors supported with splashes of citrus and cream. The Last Tsar cigars can be enjoyed now, or you can put them away for extra aging. Either way, the boisterously delicious “TLT” cigars won’t be around forever, so get them if you can find them!
Sommelier Tony Bellatto partnered with Robert Caldwell and frequent Caldwell collaborator Tabacalera William Venture to create La Barba cigars. With five different blends from which to choose, cigar lovers have a plethora of options ranging from smooth and mellow to rich and boldly structured. A nod to Bellatto’s background as a sommelier, La Barba cigars are blended to be great pairing options for wine, port, and craft ales, as well as top-shelf spirits such as bourbon, rum, and tequila. Just pick your La Barba cigar and a beverage to match, and you are on your way to a blissful cigar-smoking experience.
In addition to these exceptional cigars, you can find Caldwell’s Cream Machine in their “Lost and Found” series at R&R Cigars.
Caldwell Cigars all have complex, beautifully aged tobacco blends assembled by boutique cigarmakers at the height of their abilities. From the wildly popular Blind Man’s Bluff to the exceptional The King Is Dead, Caldwell cigars feature some of the most exquisite premium tobaccos on the planet. This alone puts them amongst the cigar industry’s elite.
Yet there is more to Caldwell cigars than just rare tobacco. Every Caldwell cigar is infused with the unique personality of its namesake, Robert Caldwell. His off-beat sense of humor is evident in the cigars’ whimsical cigar band and box art. Also, his relentless passion for quality is behind the exquisite blending techniques, exceptional craftsmanship, and crowd-pleasing flavor profiles. When all is said and done, Caldwell creates cigars that everyday cigar lovers can call their own. Whether a casual smoker looking for a deeper exploration of cigars or a dedicated cigar connoisseur searching for that perfect smoke, the world of Caldwell Cigars is quite simply a great place to be.
Since Caldwell Cigars only offers the finest small-batch cigars, numbers are extremely limited, so cigars may not be available to you through normal outlets. Only the finest cigar shops are allowed to carry the full collection of Caldwell cigars, and even then, stock can prove extremely limited. Luckily for cigar lovers in and around Tuscaloosa, R&R Cigars is your first and best choice when it’s time to purchase Caldwell Cigars.
R&R Cigars offers top-of-the-line, hard-to-find premium cigars with one of the most diverse humidors in the United States. R&R’s in-store staff is highly knowledgeable about cigars and can steer you to the cigars you need, all with the welcoming hospitality for which R&R Cigars is renowned. So, if you’re trying Caldwell Cigars for the first time, let R&R Cigars help you find the perfect blend to suit your tastes.
Caldwell Cigars are made in small batches, which means their stocks are always low and sell quickly. Finding them can be a difficult task, yet well worth the effort to enjoy the deeply satisfying complexity and taste that each Caldwell cigar offers.
For those in the Tuscaloosa area, R&R Cigars whiskey and cigar bar at the Maxwell House is open and ready to provide you with the best cigars and beverages available in the U.S. The fully stocked humidor of over 1,000 cigars is a must-visit for every cigar lover. Also, enjoy over 80 different beers and more than 50 premium whiskies.
So, come on down to R&R’s The Cigar Mansion at 2703 Fitts Street in Tuscaloosa today to purchase the world’s greatest cigar blends and learn more about the best cigars available today.